Not So Famous Last Words

A good morning, afternoon, evening, night to you all.

Here's the deal:

I'm starting a project (blog? book? pamphlet? Only time will tell...) called Not So Famous Last Words and I need your input.

We all know what Oscar Wilde, Louisa M. Alcott, Jane Austen, Beethoven and company uttered as they shuffled off this mortal coil. History has been good to them. A little too good, in some cases... but I digress! Famous last words have always interested me because they can either define someone's time on Earth or somehow capture the human experience, from profundity to the absurd.

The thing that has always bothered me with this little obsession is that thousands of people die every day, apparently. In hospitals, on sidewalks, baseball fields and rooftop parties the world over... you name it... Why aren't their final words jotted down for posterity's sake?

My job, kids, projects and yardwork don't keep me busy enough, so I'd like to start a record of regular people's... (wait for it) Not So Famous Last Words. That's where you come in.

If you are so inclined, please use the comments section to tell me what your friends, family and acquaintances said in their final moments. Please include their name, location and date, if possible.

It may sound a bit morbid, I realise that. But I'm seeing it as a tribute to our loved ones because I'm certain that they can beat Caligula's "I am still alive!". What a prick...

Thanks for your attention, your help in this endeavour and any Gummy Bears you would like to leave in the tip jar on your way out.

Be good to each other,



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