Drugs is good

Potheads make me laugh. They also make me wish I smoked more pot.

And while we're talking about drugs...

Actually, this has nothing to do with drugs. I Just felt like listening to that song. Catchy, isn't it?

We (my better half who wants to be mentioned here as little as possible and I) started watching Fringe last night. I was pleasantly surprised by the pilot. I was expecting a second rate X-Files from what I'd head about the premise but it seems like it has a lot of potential. That J.J. Abrams is a bit of a cunt, isn't he? Not only does he a have that elusive golden touch (so far), but he always seems to be involved in projects that are downright addictive. I'm not sure Fringe has that quality but I really, really feel the urge to go watch an episode right now.

I think I'm going to go watch an episode right now. Hopefully this one won't keep the aforementioned better half awake tonight wondering if the tree creaking outside isn't really some sort of undead government agent.

So maybe this little story was about drugs after all...


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