My favourite grammatical errors in medical records

  • Patient suffers from headaches while menstruating on the top of her head.
  • Patient is a newborn infant delivered over an intact perineum which cried spontaneously.
  • History: Patient was shot in head with .32 caliber rifle. Chief complaint: Headache.
  • Patient referred to hospital for erosion of the cervix by a local medical doctor.
  • Dictated: "Patient had a Pap smear today." Transcribed: "Patient had a Pabst Beer today."
  • Patient referred to hospital by private physician with green stools.
  • This mother of a 2-year old desires a circumcision.
  • Patient has been married twice, but denies any other serious illnesses.
  • Patient is separated from his wife, and he is also allergic to Penicillin
  • She moves her bowels roughly, three times a day.
(From the medical records of a hospital: by Corey D. Fox, Ph.D.)


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